Our goals are, one, to preserve, renovate and restore the chapter house. Our second goal is to the educate not only the University community but the public at large about the historic significance of fraternity and sorority chapters. Values, traditions, and friendships were formed by fraternity and sorority involvement in these structures during college years and contributed significantly to the success of alumni and alumnae. Below are links containing information on the historical significance of each SPGH member.
- Originated at the University of Illinois in 1988
- Public Foundation status, 501 (c) 3.
- Goal is to Educate Public about the Historical and Architectural Significance of the Fraternity and Sorority Houses and Preserve and Document the Unique Architecture of these Houses
- Awards Grants Based upon Health and Safety Code Requirements, Major Structural Rehabilitation or Restoration, and Interior or Exterior Rehabilitation or Restoration
- Over $10 Million Awarded in Grants to date for Preservation and Renovation of Chapter Houses
- Contributions are Tax-Deductible to Donors for Approved Projects
- Opportunity for Foundation to Foundation Transfers for Approved Grants as Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau Delta, and Sigma Chi have done through their foundations
- Initiation Fee for Membership into the Society is $600, New Member Annual Dues is $300 (years 1-5), Sustaining Member Annual Dues are $150 (year 5 and above)
- Service Charge per Donation to the Society ranges from 3% to ½% Dependant upon Donation Size
Grants Could Possibly be Awarded for:
- Restoration of Building Facade or Roof
- Rehabilitation of First Floor Public Spaces
- Concealed Sprinkler and Alarm Systems
- Bathroom Renovations
- Kitchen Fire Suppression Equipment
- Boilers and Heating Systems
- Enclosed Egress Stairways
- Authenticated Landscape Restoration
- Porch and Patio Rehabilitation or Restoration
- All work must follow the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation
Grants Would Probably Not Be Awarded For:
- Movable Furniture, Equipment, Carpets, etc.
- Kitchen Ovens, Cabinets, Dishwashers, Stoves, Refrigerators, etc.
- Air Conditioning Systems if the house originally had no Air conditioning
- Housing or Recreational Additions
- Aluminum Replacement Windows
- Parking Lots